WP6:Application of developed products in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals

Responsible's address: ebru.toksoy@marmara.edu.tr
Start Date: 28/02/2025

End Date: 31/08/2026

Task Leader: MU.

contribution of: UMF, CSIC, ITA, UGT and MU.


Evaluation of the incorporation effects of the developed functional food ingredients and active materials enriched or not with antioxidants on food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals properties.


Application in food, food preservation and packaging by applying the packaging structures (films, nanofibers, nanocapsules) developed in WP5 (5.1 and 5.2) on model dry and fresh food products. As food applications, the best performing biomaterials (emulsions and gels) developed in WP5 (5.3 and 5.4) will be incorporated in a dressing, a spreadable cream and a bakery product.

  • start date: 01/03/2025
  • end date: 31/08/2026
  • Task”s leader: Prof. Sonia Calligaris

Application in cosmetics as a physical abrasive in development of body, lip, face, and foot scrubs. Levan and biopolymer-containing cosmetic formulations with cell proliferative, skin barrier improving, hyaluronic acid and collagen producing formulations will also be developed.

  • start date: 01/09/2025
  • end date: 28/02/2026
  • Task”s leader: Prof. Ebru. Toksoy

Application in wound healing dressing prepared according to WP5 (5.6). Hydrogel patchs will be applied in a deep second-degree scald model created on the back of mice to evaluate their potential to promote wound healing.

  • start date: 01/12/2025
  • end date: 31/08/2026
  • Task”s leader: Dr. Suminig Li
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